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What is a claim?

A claim is a name-value pair that conveys specific information. For example, in a JSON object:

  "sub": "foo",
  "email": "[email protected]"

In this example, sub is a claim that represents the subject identifier with the value foo, and email is a claim that represents the email address with the value [email protected].

We use subject instead of user because without a clear definition, the subject (sub) can represent a user, device, or any entity.

Uses of claims

Claims are widely used in various contexts, such as:

Standard claims

In JWT and OIDC, there are standard claims defined by the specifications. Some common standard claims include:

  • iss: The issuer of the token. For example, if the Authorization server that issued the token is, in most cases the iss claim will be the same (
  • sub: The subject of the token. It represents the entity the token is about. For example, in an ID token, the sub claim usually represents the user identifier.
  • aud: The audience of the token. It indicates the recipients that the token is intended for. For example, if the token is intended for accessing an API at, the aud claim will be the same (
  • exp: The expiration time of the token. It indicates when the token should no longer be accepted for processing.
  • nbf: The “not before” time of the token. It indicates when the token should start being accepted for processing.
  • iat: The issued-at time of the token. It indicates when the token was issued.
  • jti: The JWT ID of the token. It provides a unique identifier for the token.

OIDC also defines additional standard claims for user information. See Claims in the OIDC specification for more details.

Custom claims

In addition to standard claims, you can define custom claims to represent application-specific information. For example, you can include a role claim to represent the user’s role in the application.

Custom claims can be namespaced with Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) to avoid conflicts with other claims. For example:

  "": "admin"

In this example, the role claim is namespaced with to ensure uniqueness. Alternatively, you can define your own Uniform Resource Name (URN) for custom claims:

  "urn:example:claims:role": "admin"

In this example, the role claim is namespaced with urn:example:claims:.

See also