What is Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE)?
Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) serves as a security extension for Authorization code flow in OAuth 2.0 . It is designed to protect authorization codes from interception and misuse, especially in public clients where the client secret is not secure.
From OAuth 2.1 , PKCE is enforced for all types of clients, including Public clients and confidential (private) clients .
How does PKCE work?
PKCE introduces a few additional steps to the authorization code flow to ensure that the Client that exchanges the authorization code is the same client that initiated the flow.
[!Note] PKCE is also applicable to OpenID Connect (OIDC) flows that rely on the authorization code flow. For simplicity, we will focus on the OAuth 2.0 implementation.
Let’s quickly review the standard authorization code flow before diving into PKCE:
Now, let’s see how PKCE enhances the authorization code flow.
1. Preparing the authorization request
1.1. Client generates a code verifier
Before initiating the Authorization request , the client should generate a random string called code verifier. The string should be a high-entropy cryptographic random URL-safe string with a minimum length of 43 characters and a maximum length of 128 characters.
Here’s an example of generating a code verifier in JavaScript:
// `js-base64` is a universal library that can be used in both Node.js and browsers
import { fromUint8Array } from 'js-base64';
// The second argument `true` indicates that the output should be URL-safe
const codeVerifier = fromUint8Array(crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(64)), true);
1.2. Client creates a code challenge
The client should hash the code verifier using a cryptographic hash function, such as SHA-256, and encode the hash in URL-safe Base64 string. The resulting string is called the code challenge.
Here’s an example of creating a code challenge in JavaScript:
// `js-base64` is a universal library that can be used in both Node.js and browsers
import { fromUint8Array } from 'js-base64';
const encodedCodeVerifier = new TextEncoder().encode(codeVerifier);
const codeChallenge = new Uint8Array(await crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', encodedCodeVerifier));
// The second argument `true` indicates that the output should be URL-safe
return fromUint8Array(codeChallenge, true);
1.3. Client includes the code challenge in the authorization request
When the client initiates the authorization request, it includes the parameters code_challenge
and code_challenge_method
in the request. The code_challenge
parameter contains the code challenge generated in the previous step, and the code_challenge_method
parameter specifies the hashing algorithm used to create the code challenge (e.g., S256
for SHA-256).
The supported code_challenge_method
values are plain
and S256
, where plain
indicates that the code challenge is sent as-is without any hashing. Usually, S256
is recommended for better security.
Here’s a non-normative example of an authorization request with PKCE:
GET /authorize?response_type=code
&nonce=123456 HTTP/1.1
2. Exchanging the authorization code for tokens
The client should save the code verifier for later use and proceed with the authorization flow as usual. Once the client receives the authorization code, it should send the Token request with the code verifier to the authorization server.
Here’s a non-normative example of a token request with PKCE:
POST /token HTTP/1.1
Host: your-authorization-server.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
The authorization server will verify the code challenge against the code verifier to ensure that the client is the same entity that initiated the flow. If the verification fails, the authorization server will reject the token request.
How PKCE enhances security
The primary security benefit of PKCE is that it prevents authorization code interception attacks, which can occur in public clients. For example, if an attacker intercepts the authorization code, they cannot exchange it for tokens without the code verifier. PKCE ensures that only the client that initiated the flow can complete the token exchange.